Thu, 27 Oct 1994

Concession holders said to mar N. Sumatra forests

JAKARTA (JP): Fifteen residents of Sosa subdistrict in Southern Tapanuli, North Sumatra, visited the Indonesian Environmental Forum (Walhi) office here to report concession holders they say are damaging protected forests in the region.

"We are here to tell you about the acts of the concession holders who have damaged the protected forest area for a long time," Syafri Harahap, one of the residents, told a press conference organized by Walhi.

Harahap told reporters that the destruction began in 1988 and has been going on up to now. He said a local state-owned firm, PT Inhutani IV, and a local private firm, PT Permata Hijau Sawit (PHS), are responsible.

He said the two firms have abused the timber concessions they hold by continuously cutting the trees despite the fact that their operation licenses expired on March 31. They have also disobeyed the local administration's regulation that the logs are to be sold for use locally, and have sold them outside of Tapanuli, he said.

Syarifuddin Hasibuan, another resident, said these illegal tree cutting activities have caused the local farmers to lose their crops and precious topsoil due to flooding. (imn)