Wed, 01 May 2002

Combing hair regularly helps reduce lice infestation

Dear Dr. Donya,

Some time ago in your regular column you recommended two particular kinds of medication for the elimination of head lice.

Having tried many local pharmacies and other outlets it seems none of them stock either of these two medications.

Where can I obtain any one or both of these medications?

The problem is, the individual appears to have something more severe than the local product Peditox or even Derbak can have any immediate or lasting effect upon, with some small sores appearing on the scalp accompanied by itching or the feeling that small spiders are crawling over her.

It would be greatly appreciated if you would please advise me as to what should be done to cure this ailment with a more immediate and positive effect and of course, where can I purchase the medication. I thank you for your time and trust you are not inconvenienced.

-- Bill

Dear Bill,

Brushing and combing of hair regularly helps to reduce the number of lice and eggs and to minimize the severity of the infection. Treatment of choice is Permetrin 1% or an alternative can be lindane or jacutin.

Remember to treat everybody in the family and also take care of sheets, pillows and bedding.

-- Dr. Donya

Dear Dr. Donya,

I would like to know whether you can advise me on the matter of my son's growth history.

He is unusually small on the usual statistical growth charts and it has been a silent but very deep concern to my wife and me for the last couple of years. I'm a 175-cm tall Caucasian and my wife is a 156-cm tall Indonesian.

My four-year-old son is 91 cm tall and his weight is 12 kg. With the exception of his stature, he appears to be a normal healthy boy. My wife has his growth history graphs in her possession in Bali.

-- John

Dear John,

I hope that my answer via this e-mail will help you.

Your son is shorter than the normal average four-year-old boy. You and your wife are normal to average height. Then what can his problem be?

First of all, the easiest simple method is taking your child to see a pediatrician in Jakarta, I am sure there are plenty of good ones. The physical exam will be reviewed as well as his growth chart. What needs to be determined is, in what percentile your son falls. X-raying of bone age is an easy and painless method to identify if it is a hormonal problem.

Nutritional history is also helpful. Basic laboratory investigations such as a complete blood count and urine examination are also used to evaluate other systemic problems. Would you give me an idea about his height at each age that you and your wife have on record?

-- Dr. Donya