Fri, 19 Jun 1998

Collusion, corruption and nepotism

It requires at least four parties for collusion, corruption and nepotism to thrive in our democratic republic: the capitalist, the ruler, the law-maker and the government regulator. The capitalist is a group of wealthy people, companies and nations who are interested in making the most profits out of their capital by investing their money in legal or illegal business activities in our country. In order to do so, they take the cheapest and the easiest way to invest: by bribing and colluding with the ruler (and it's capitalistic cronies) to get business contracts to operate their business activities and to monopolize the market. Foreign companies practice these illegal and unethical activities with the full knowledge of their own governments (in this case: the U.S., Japanese and European governments). Therefore, those governments are as guilty as the companies and the ruler in promoting CCN (collusion, corruption and nepotism) in our country. To increase capital, those joint companies borrow money (with the full knowledge of their own governments) from banks (mostly controlled by their own companies and agencies) by presenting false information about their credibility (with the full knowledge of their own governments. Hence, the huge foreign debts that left Indonesia economically crippled for may decades to come. The ruler (and its families and cronies) is the one who allows those practices to occur with the main objective of profiting from this collusion "in the name of national development". To do so he must manipulate the laws so that they can be fitted to his won interpretations and his needs. One technique to do that is by intimidating people with his force and power so that people would not object or criticize his maneuvering tactics. Hence, the jailing, abduction and torturing of people who oppose his plans. The law-maker is a group of people's representatives (who are mostly appointed and inducted into the Houses) who are seduced (by giving political connection, money and business opportunities) to make laws that are easily manipulated by the ruler. They are guilty of betraying people and their own conscience for the sake of power and money. The government regulator is a group of technocrats who are appointed to the government posts (ministers, directorate generals, etc.) by the ruler in order to obey his commands to pass and make regulations in favor of the joint-companies own by his foundations, his families and cronies. The government regulator are as guilty as the other parties in promoting CCN.

The collusion between foreign companies and our government institutions to manipulate our market and economy is the only way that the capitalist can gain the most out of its capital. Hence, Indonesia is becoming poorer and poorer while the capitalist are enjoying their profits at the expense of people's suffering. Essentially, millions of Indonesian people sweat their blood to earn their small rupiahs everyday to be paid to the capitalist who collect it through their business agencies by the blessing of the ruler, governments and their agencies, the law-maker and the government regulator. CCN can end only if we all return to the spirit of nationalism. Only those who have a hole in their nationalism can be recruited by the capitalistic scheme to become their agents and puppets. Our Pancasila and 1945 Constitution are against these practices! They were formed by our forefathers to protect our nation and people against colonialism and imperialism, of which exploitative capitalism is one. The colonialization of Indonesia by the Dutch was prompted by exploitative capitalism by V.O.C. by the blessing of the Dutch's government then. Does history repeat itself? Instead of V.O.C. now, we have all kind of foreign and joint companies (by the blessing of their governments and our own government) who are hungry to ravaged our unlimited natural and human resources as their preys. If we continue to have accomplices, then history will repeat itself, again and again. In essence, our natural richness is at the same time our liability and vulnerability. It is our duties to defend our nation against forces that intend to rob them at the expense of our suffering.


Cimahi, West Java