City to regulate LD circulation
The city administration will control laser disc rentals and sales, regardless of all restraints, an official said over the weekend.
"We are discussing the matter with the Municipal Film Development Board," said Soenarjudardji, an assistant to the city secretary in charge of welfare affairs.
Soenarjudardji said that the meeting will also discuss the city's way of handling illegal business in laser disc rentals, limiting circulation of the discs, increasing rental fees to protect film circulation at movie theaters and removing the laser disc rental locations from schools and places of worship.
Meanwhile chief of the Municipal Information Office Semyon Sinulingga said that the mushrooming of illegal laser disc rental places was due to the fact that some video cassette rental outlets also illegally rent the discs.
He said the office issued 392 licenses for video rental places in 1980 but is still unable to regulate the location and the number of laser discs circulated. (03)