Tue, 25 Mar 2003

City to pay Dekel stipends in April

JAKARTA: The city administration announced on Monday that it would disburse funds to all subdistrict councils (Dekel) to cover their members' stipends in April.

"I guarantee that the allowances will be paid in April," Deputy Governor Fauzi Bowo said when visiting Slipi subdistrict in West Jakarta.

The city's subdistrict council members have not received their monthly stipends of Rp 500,000 each and a meeting attendance allowance of Rp 200,000 for the last three months.

Fauzi was quoted by BeritaJakarta.com, the city's official website, as saying that the city administration will also continue to distribute what it calls the PMDKE/P2KP fund (special funds to empower poor people in all subdistricts) through the subdistrict councils as there was as yet no better way of doing it.

"But if any of you know of a better way of distributing and managing the special fund, then please tell us," he told Slipi residents.

Much of the money paid out from the special fund in many subdistricts has been embezzled by local officials and members of the subdistrict councils.--JP