City govt to reorganize subdistrict administration
JAKARTA (JP): The city administration will realign the subdistrict administration, including its personnel and building offices, in order to improve services.
Governor Surjadi Soedirdja said that many subdistricts in the city do not have enough personnel and others have aging buildings, which are no longer adequate for the city administration's services.
"The main goal of the realignment program is to improve the services of subdistrict administration because the future of this city will be determined by its success in doing so," Surjadi told reporters at the City Hall on Monday.
He admitted that there is a subdistrict with only 15 personnel, when ideally there should be around 28 personnel per district. The subdistrict's building office also should have a space of at least 700 square meters, he said.
According to data of the city administration, there are 265 subdistricts throughout the city. About 60 percent of the offices are in bad condition with limited numbers of personnel and in improper locations.
Many subdistrict offices are located in small alleys, even though their regions cover elite real estate complexes.
The governor also said that the participation of local communities is still badly needed in subdistricts.
"Participation is still expected even after more personnel are employed at the offices," Surjadi said.
The City Council Speaker MH Ritonga showed his approval of the city administration's plan to reorganize subdistrict management.
"The basic structure of the subdistrict administration will be the same. It will only be enlarged with field personnel to back up the office's activities," Ritonga said.
He explained that additional personnel will be adjusted according to the number of residents in each subdistrict area. (yns)