Thu, 06 Jan 2000

Citibank apologizes

It seems, indeed, the pen is mightier than the sword. After my letter Citibank incompetence was published on Dec. 31, 1999, I was contacted by Mr. Rudi from Citibank's Head Office in Jakarta. He informed me that he had verified all facts in my letter and apologized for any inconvenience caused. He further said that Citibank would do its best to prevent this kind of thing happening again and asked me for suggestions to improve future performance.

Only at the end of our phone conversation was I informed that everything we said had been recorded "to share with those concerned in Citibank".

Although I both understand and appreciate Mr. Rudi's motive for recording or conversation, I believe that Citibank should always inform those concerned (and receive their consent) prior to putting them on tape. Maybe, this is one more thing Citibank can add to its list of improving relations between itself and its customers.

