Fri, 28 Oct 1994

Church communion to elect chairman

JAYAPURA, Irian Jaya: The on-going grand assembly of the Communion of Indonesian Churches (PGI) has nominated incumbent Rev. Sularso Sopater and Rev. Sutarno, chief editor of the Jakarta-based Suara Pembaruan daily, to chair the organization for the 1994-1999 period.

The Antara news agency reported yesterday that many local and foreign observers attending the assembly believe Sopater got the upper hand because he is better-known among the member churches.

But Sopater may be dropped from the list of candidates in the pre-election this Saturday as he has held the post for two consecutive periods since 1984.

PGI's statute limits terms of office to two consecutive terms. Sularso said that he was ready to hold the post again if re- elected. (rms)