Sat, 26 Dec 1998

Christmas in a time of crisis

In Indonesia this year, Christmas is being celebrated in unfavorable sociopolitical and economic conditions. On the social and political plane, the people are in an euphoric mood over the prospect of reform, which unfortunately has brought with it some ominous negative effects. On the economic plane, this nation is still in the midst of a protracted crisis.

The current economic crisis in Indonesia -- and in many other countries -- is in reality built on a basis of a crisis of humanity. Blinded by accomplishment, people have lost control of themselves. Means and objectives are being confused. Material wealth is considered to be a main objective of life. As a result, religious life has become shallow. This phenomenon is afflicting young people all over the world. The gap between the rich and the poor becomes wider, the poor feeling increasingly helpless while the rich become increasingly powerful.

This is the actual phenomenon that underlies the current crisis of humanity of which the economic crisis is an expression. For this reason, the ongoing economic crisis lends a special relevance to Christmas this year since both have their origin in a crisis of humanity. The current economic crisis, therefore, should in no way dampen the Christmas mood. For those who understand the true significance of Christmas, such a condition actually makes the occasion more meaningful.

-- Bisnis Indonesia, Jakarta