Sun, 16 Sep 2001

Chinese class: Special somethings to honor guests

JAKARTA (JP): Are you expecting special guests but don't know what to prepare for the special occasion? Our contributor Mary Winata shares these recipes so you can surprise your guests with something special from your kitchen.

The ingredients are not expensive, the techniques are simple but the results are delicious. And the sizzling sound of the Hot Plate Tofu will add excitement to the gathering.

Soy Sauce Chicken Hong Kong Style

* 1 whole chicken, approx. 1 kg. Seasoning for the chicken * 8cm ginger, crushed * 200ml soy sauce * 60ml mushroom soy sauce * 50g rock sugar * 2 star anises * 2 cloves garlic with skin * 2 chilies * 1.5ml water

(Makes 6 servings)

1. Clean and wash the chicken, drain.

2. Put all the seasonings in a pan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Add in the chicken, cover the pot and boil for 15 minutes, switch off the heat. Leave the pot covered for another 30 minutes.

3. Cut the chicken into serving pieces and serve warm.

Hot Plate Tofu

* 2 tubes Japanese tofu * 5tbsp corn oil * 2 cloves garlic, crushed * 1tbsp soy sauce * A pinch of salt and white pepper * 1tsp sugar * 200ml chicken stock * 1/2tsp corn flour mix with 1tbsp water * 1tbsp green onion, sliced

(Makes 4 servings)

1. Boil Japanese tofu (still wrapped in the package) for 2 minutes. Gently cut it into 2.5 centimeter thickness.

2. In a cooking pan, heat the oil, fry tofu until golden brown. Remove the tofu from oil. Meanwhile, heat hot plate.

3. In a cooking pan, heat the oil and stir fry garlic until fragrant. Season with soy sauce, salt, white pepper, sugar and chicken stock. Cook until simmers.

4. Add in tofu, cover and cook for 3 minutes. Thicken it with mix corn flour.

5. Take hot plate from fire and put it on the table. Gently pour the cooked tofu on it. Sprinkle with green onion. Serve immediately.

The writer is a Chinese cookbook writer and these recipes are contained in her books Variasi Hidangan Ayam and Chinese Food Untuk Vegetarian, published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.