Sat, 13 Jul 1996

Child dies in prison

MEDAN, North Sumatra: An independent factfinding team suspects torture as the cause of last month's death of a 16-year-old prisoner in Tanjung Gusta juvenile prison.

The team, formed by the Indonesian Children Institute and Urban Social Workers Group announced Thursday that Paris Pangaribuan may have been tortured in police custody.

Spokesman for the team Ahmad Sofyan was quoted by Antara as saying that Pangaribuan was already ill when he was sent to the prison in April and died in Pirngadi Hospital.

Pangaribuan was sentenced by Medan District Court to seven months in jail for stealing a guitar.

"Soon after he came to his cell, he became paralyzed," Ahmad said, quoting Pangaribuan's cell mate, Aho. "It is very likely that he was mistreated in Patumbak police station. We are collecting more evidence," he added. (pan)