Thu, 20 Jan 2005

'Chess Quiz'

I appreciate the "Chess Quiz" that appears every day in The Jakarta Post, which has been quite good these days as compared to a few years ago. However, I have some basic complaints about this column.

The Pre-set Quiz -- as opposed those adopted from end-games actually played by international players, which are supposedly good -- is too unrealistic, and should be more like an actual match.

Second, there are too many unnecessary pieces that have no function -- although perhaps the quiz designer has done this to try and emulate an actual, ongoing game.

Third, many times, the adopted end-games seem to be quite "unreal", as those Quiz appearing in the Post editions on Jan. 14, Jan. 15, Jan. 16 and Jan. 18. The Quiz and the solutions are OK (too simple though), but in all these Quiz, when I try to make out what would have been the previous move (the one immediately preceding the Quiz), I don't find a sensible move that could have been made by a reasonably good player.

That makes me doubt whether the said players really play this game , and also whether they are well known chess players at all? So, is it possible for a curious reader to request for all the moves in the game from the start?

Your Chess Quiz is good enough to draw the attention of keen chess players and enthusiasts like me. While the Quiz, Hint and Solution are generally accurate, one rare mistake did appear in the Jan. 13 quiz:

1.The problem is "while forces mate"; hint -- "try the direct approach"; solution -- 1. Qb4, Nc6; 2. Bb5 pins the Knight and renews the threat of mate at e7.

However, it is not that easy to mate, as explained below.

2. Bb5, Bd7 (releasing the black knight from pin and prevents mate at e7)

3. if B x c6, Nc5 (blocking Qe7)

4. if B x d7, K x d7 followed by Ke6 and escaping to f, g, h files. Alternatively, even Kf8 followed by Kg8 prevents any quick mate.

On the other hand: 4. if Q x e5, then black rook averts a quick mate.

Well, white is sure to win ultimately, because of its superior position and power/position advantage.

Despite the above error, the quiz is definitely interesting and thought-provoking and I am sure a chess-enthusiast who reads your paper never misses this column.

Please keep up the good work and keep improvising.
