Sat, 14 Sep 1996

Chedi responds

We would like to reply to Mr. Bondan Winarno's letter published on Sept. 12, 1996, titled Hotel reservations canceled.

It is with great regret that we were not able to accommodate Mr. and Mrs. Bondan Winarno and his guests Mr. and Mrs. Robi Sularto Sastrowardoyo over the last weekend. Mr. Bondan Winarno in the past supported and enjoyed our hospitality and we value his comments and understand his disappointment.

This unfortunate situation by no means reflects our aim for the high standards we have become known for.

My personal apologies on behalf of the Chedi Bandung are extended to both Mr. and Mrs. Bondan Winarno and Mr. and Mrs. Robi Sularto Sastrowardoyo.


General Manager

Chedi Bandung