Wed, 28 Apr 1999

Charms disputed

When I opened The Jakarta Post of April 13, 1999 edition, I was surprised, not to say astounded, to see the picture of a Filipino boy looking at a choice of rosaries with the caption charms.

It's the case to use once again the Roman poet's dictum: Quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus.

Somebody of your staff might be half-asleep when he (she) let pass that caption.

No, no, rosaries are not "charms" even if some ill-informed or uninformed Catholics or non-Catholics may consider the rosaries as "charms", which they are not, not at all.

Had I found that kind of error in another paper, it would be different. But, in The Jakarta Post!

Thank you for all the other issues of your paper which are exempt of such errors.


Surabaya, East Java