Fri, 08 Jun 2001

CEOSUITE expands to Malaysia

JAKARTA (JP): Indonesian CEOSUITE, which specializes in the provision of serviced office facilities, is expanding its operations to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to cater for businesspeople looking for more efficient and inexpensive office alternatives.

"Similar to our serviced offices in Jakarta, our office at the Menara Maxis Building in Kuala Lumpur, which opens on Friday, is also equipped with a high-tech Internet and communications system, and managed by highly experienced professionals," CEOSUITE president Meekim said.

CEOSUITE, which currently operates in the Jakarta Stock Exchange Building and GKBI Building, said that, in the current era of economic globalization, serviced offices have become a gateway to instant, low-cost branch office services in a country.

Meekim added that the economic crisis in several Asian countries had made it even more imperative for businesses to search for inexpensive office facilities requiring only a small initial injection of start-up capital.