Ceiling falls on schoolteacher
BEKASI: A teacher at state elementary school Jatimakmur I in Raflesia residential area, Pondokgede, Bekasi, suffered a minor head injury as the decayed ceiling of three classrooms collapsed on Tuesday.
Headmaster Suratmi said the teacher, Nani, 40, had received medical treatment and that none of the students were injured in the incident, as they were having outdoor activities at the time.
"This wouldn't have happened if the Bekasi Education Agency responded to our request for repairs and renovation in 2002," Suratmi was quoted by Antara as saying. He said the 20-year-old building had never been renovated.
The students had to study in the schoolyard under the scorching sun for the rest of the day.
Bekasi Education Agency head Asmari was not available for comment. -- JP