Sat, 12 Dec 1998

Caution on collections

On Dec. 9, a shop owner in Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta, telephoned us to inquire about a group of students wearing Atma Jaya University orange jackets and collecting funds regarding the tragic Semanggi incident.

We hereby inform the public that we have never delegated our students to solicit funds from the public. We advise the public to be cautious in contributing to collections by "students" purportedly acting on behalf of Atma Jaya University. Do not hesitate to ask to see their student identity cards.

We would also like to inform that on Nov. 16 a group of our students accepted monetary contributions from motorists passing in front of our campus. We considered the contributions, received over two hours, an expression of sympathy to students and community members who were victims in the incident. However, upon hearing of the activity, we immediately stopped the collection.

In their actions, the students do not look for contributions, let alone use coercion to obtain them, but only accept them when they are given sincerely.


Bureau Chief

Public Relations Office

Atma Jaya University