Thu, 20 Mar 2003

Car thief caught red-handed

JAKARTA: Police arrested on Wednesday a car thief, Adrian, 29, at the National Police Headquarters on Jl. Trunojoyo, South Jakarta, while he was attempting to open a car door.

Adrian was nabbed after the car's owner, Adj. Sr. Comr. Helmy M. Daud of the elite mobile brigade (Brimob), who had left his car to make a phone call, saw that the former was trying to open his car.

Aiming his pistol, Helmy apprehended Adrian. From Adrian, Helmy also seized an FN gun and 10 letter-T keys.

Adrian admitted that it was the second time he had stolen a car at police headquarters. The first occasion was last year.

Helmy said he sold stolen cars for Rp 2 million (US$227) to a former policeman, Brig. Solehan, who had been dismissed from the police.

Solehan is still at large.

Helmy took Adrian to Taman Puring police station for further interrogation and detention. --JP