Sun, 05 Dec 2004

Calm prevails on GAM anniversary

Nani Afrida, The Jakarta Post/Banda Aceh

Amid stepped-up security measures imposed by the civil emergency administration, conditions in strife-torn Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam remained relatively calm on the 28th anniversary of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) on Saturday.

Defying an order issued by GAM leaders that the Acehnese stay at home between 6 a.m. and 12 midday, people in the country's westernmost province went about their daily activities without disruption, as indicated by, among other things, the continued operation of intercity buses.

However, bus and minivan drivers said there had been a decline in the number of passengers.

In areas like Pidie, North Aceh, East Aceh and Southwest of Aceh, traditional markets were open and serving customers as usual.

The only major incident was an armed clash involving an ambush by 20 fully armed GAM members on Indonesian Military (TNI) troops.

Two TNI troops were wounded in the incident.

GAM commander Teungku Muzakkir Manaf appealed to the Acehnese to stay at home on the anniversary, citing public safety as the main reason.

As usual, all activities that could be considered even remotely related to the GAM anniversary were completely banned by the authorities.

The civil emergency administration has also stepped up security measures in areas considered to be GAM strongholds in Tanah Jambo Aye, Matangkuli, Sawang, Langkahan and Nisam subdistricts.

On the eve of the anniversary, security personnel rounded up 39 civilians in Bireun for questioning.

Aceh police spokesman Sr. Comr. Sayed Hoesayni said that they were arrested after gathering in a hut.

"However, they were released after they showed us their ID cards. They are coconut croppers who are to be sent to Banda Aceh, but their employer apparently forgot to tell the local village head," he said.

Despite the fact that the life appeared to go on as normal, GAM said that it had observed the occasion in a fitting manner.

"Although the celebrations were less vibrant that those of previous years, we still observed it properly. In Pidie, the ceremony was led by regional GAM commander Sardjani Abdullah," GAM spokesman in Pidie, Adi Laweueng, told The Jakarta Post.

He said that the occasion was used to swear in new officials who would fill a number of positions left vacant after a number of senior GAM officials were arrested by the military.

The central government has imposed a state of emergency in the resource-rich province for the past one-and-a-half years to squash the secessionist movement. It has so far cost the state Rp 2.6 trillion (US288.9 million).