Tue, 14 Jun 2005

C. Jakarta to launch vaccination campaign

JAKARTA: The Central Jakarta administration is gearing up for an anthrax and avian flu vaccination campaign.

Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Office Director Sigit said that the campaign was being mounted to ensure that there would be no outbreaks of the diseases in Jakarta.

"The vaccines are free," he said on Monday.

Sigit added that although the number of poultry, cows and goats in the municipality was low, the vaccination campaign was still necessary because the diseases were highly contagious.

"Humans can contract anthrax, not only by eating the meat of an infected animal, but even by touching a drop of the animal's blood. In addition, we can also contract the disease by eating raw vegetables grown in anthrax-infected soil," Sigit explained.

The free vaccines can be obtained by contacting local farmers groups. -- Antara