Sat, 22 Oct 1994

Businessmen told to improve competitiveness

JAKARTA (JP): British Minister of Trade Richard Needham yesterday urged his country's businessmen to increase competitiveness in Indonesia to help improve bilateral trade relations.

Needham, who is here for a one-week visit, said in a business luncheon organized by the Indonesia British Association here yesterday that British businessmen should also improve proficiency in the Indonesian language to improve relations with local businessmen.

According to Needham, British businessmen can increase business activities in Indonesia which has enormous potential and offers stable economic growth.

In a related development, John Gunning, a member of a British mission from the Sheffield and Rotterdam of Commerce and Industry, said yesterday that his company will cooperate with two Indonesian firms to develop lighthouses in the eastern part of Indonesia.

"The agreement of the $19 million project will most likely be signed early next year," he said.

He said his company will also get involved in other projects, including double railway tracking and power generation.

The mission was led by John S. Hambidge.

Data from the British embassy shows that in the first eight month of this year Britain's exports to Indonesia increased by 8.05 percent to 240.49 million pounds (US$389.6 million), compared to the same period of 1993. Indonesia's exports to Britain, meanwhile, grew by 13 percent to 507.28 million pounds.

In investment, Britain ranked forth among the biggest foreign investors in Indonesia with total investment commitments of $8 billion for 181 projects as of Oct. 1 since 1967.

During his visit, Needham, who is accompanied by some 40 British businessmen, has held meetings with Secretary General of the Ministry of Tourism, Post and Telecommunications Jonathan Parapak, Minister of Finance Mar'ie Muhammad, State Minister of National Development Planning Ginandjar Kartasasmita, Minister of Trade Satrio Budiardjo Joedono and Minister of Transportation Haryanto Dhanutirto.(icn)