Mon, 22 Jul 1996

Buses damaged in student brawls

JAKARTA (JP): The first student brawl in the just begun new school year took place yesterday when two groups of students of two senior technical high schools clashed on Jl. Salemba, Central Jakarta, Saturday.

Some students were injured by stones they threw at each other. They also damaged the windshields of three public buses, but no passengers were injured.

"We were in a bus on the way home after passing a week's Pancasila course for new students when they threw stones at us," a student of a privately-run technical high school said.

He said the attackers, who were from a state technical high school, fled when they saw police officers approaching.

Also on Saturday, the Gambir Police subprecinct detained two students for stoning other students on a Metromini bus on Jl. Gajah Mada, in Central Jakarta.

"They will be processed according to the law," a police officer said. (jun)