Wed, 04 Jun 1997

Bunda baby blues

About two weeks ago our baby girl was born, an event which of course makes parents very happy. Following the suggestion of many of our friends we decided the best place for the baby's delivery would be at Rumah Sakit Bunda, Menteng.

Unfortunately the happiness was soon overshadowed by the rudeness of the nurses and their reluctance to deliver good customer service. As this is a private (and for Indonesia quite an expensive hospital) patients expect to be treated accordingly.

For example, my wife was only allowed to see our baby 12 hours after the birth, and only after I complained to the nurse. My wife had already asked a few times, but the only answer from the nurse through the intercom was: Tunggu sebentar (wait a minute).

This is what it's all about in this hospital, as well as in many other service industries. As a customer you feel like a beggar, totally at the mercy of the staff.

We cannot entirely blame the staff, but the way companies like Bunda are managed reflects how the customers are treated and for this we can only use one word -- lousy and no value for money.

