Wed, 14 Jun 1995

Bulgarian to talk on literature

JAKARTA (JP): A Bulgarian poet, Krassin Himmirsky, who is also an observer of Indonesian literature, will discuss Indonesian and Bulgarian literature this morning at the Taman Ismail Marzuki Arts Center.

The discussion, organized by the Jakarta Arts Council and the Taman Ismail Marzuki Arts Center, is scheduled to start at 10 a.m. at the Graha Bhakti Budaya auditorium.

Earlier this year Himmirsky, who was an attache at the Bulgarian embassy here in the 1960s, launched an anthology of works by Indonesian poets in the Bulgarian capital Sofia. The anthology represents a wide range of Indonesian poets, from the late Amir Hamzah to the young Sitok Srengenge. Himmirsky translated the works into Bulgarian himself.

Himmirsky has published a book on Indonesian cuisine and plans to publish an anthology of Indonesian short stories, according to Hamid Djabbar, a poet and the secretary of the Jakarta Arts Council, told The Jakarta Post.

Hamid said that Himmirsky, who is in his 50s, teaches the Indonesian language in a course provided by the Indonesian embassy in Sofia. (jsk)