Mon, 10 Nov 1997

Britain to join environmental meet

JAKARTA: British experts will take part in a three-day conference, titled Science and Technology for the Assessment of Global Environmental Change, to open today.

Antara reported that conservationist and botanist David Bellamy, with Peter Raines of the British Coral Cay Conservation Agency, is to present a paper on the environmental impact on nearshore marine resources in Indonesia.

The Banggai Islands in Central Sulawesi will be the focus of the speakers' attention.

Duncan Ferns of Logica, one of Britain's leading computer software companies, is to present a paper -- researched in conjunction with Britain's Meteorological Office -- on integrated data systems for operational weather forecasting.

Representatives from Britain's Natural Resources Institute (NRI), the British Embassy, the British Council as well as the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) will attend the conference. (swe)