Breast milk, the best for baby
Dear Dr. Donya,
My baby is four months old and I am giving her breast milk. But she now makes a fuss taking it directly from me so I have to pump it out every time she wants to feed. Because I am unable to express enough, I am mixing it with formula. Now she has a cold and a cough and I have taken her to the doctor. But it has been a week and she still has the cold, and I really want to know whether it is because of the formula or if she has caught a virus from me because I was ill. I want to be clear about the milk that I am giving her. What is best for a baby if breast milk is not enough? Is pasteurized milk really pure, and what about formula? Would it better to give her soya milk? When my four-year-old son was very young, I used to give him soya milk. Is soya milk good enough for brain development and nutrition? Does milk cause a cough or any other disease? I just want the best to my baby.
-- Angie
Dear Angie,
Breast milk is the best for your baby, but if your baby is fussy it may be because there is not enough milk or maybe your diet -- like taking some medication or eating strong smelling food -- is effecting your milk. Theoretically, pumping breast milk is OK, but practically, it is never enough. Formula is good. Soya milk is also good and a lot of doctors recommend it for babies who are allergic to cow's milk. When your baby still has a cold, look at her in general. Is she happy? Does she gain weight? Is her cold bothering her sleep or play? If the mother has a cold, it is easy to give it to the baby. A baby may take longer to recover. If she still has symptoms, take her back to see the doctor. She will need a physical examination and may need different medication.
-- Dr. Donya