Wed, 04 Mar 1998

Boys' disappearance remains a mystery

TANGERANG (JP): Two eight-year-old boys have been missing for nearly two months despite extensive efforts by their parents and relatives to find them.

Schoolmates Bayu Indra and Isni were last seen on Jan. 10 as they were heading home from school, Bayu's father, H.A. Baharzain, head of the Tangerang Sanitary Agency, said.

"I'm worried about my son's wellbeing," he said Monday.

Tangerang Police chief Lt. Col. Aryanto said personnel were attempting to trace the whereabouts of the children and looking into the possibility that the boys were kidnapped.

The other missing boy is the son of Bambang, head of the Tangerang City Planning Agency.

Baharzain quoted some eyewitnesses as saying that the two boys were last seen getting into a car.

Others say the boys were taken to the nearby Lippo Karawaci shopping, business and residential area by unidentified people. he said.

Upon hearing the news, Baharzain said he rushed to the area but there was no sign of the boys.

He has sought the help of 40 paranormals and traveled throughout Java in search of Bayu and Isni.

Bahar said that he had also searched along Cisadane River on the chance the boys died by the river. He found nothing. (41/09)