Wed, 08 Jun 2005

Boycott Australia!!

Referring to your article Sydney Airport crime-riddled: Report (June 1) I cannot help reflecting on what country should be boycotted. Some Australians are of the opinion that the Corby drugs were planted in her luggage by Australian baggage handlers.

According to a secret report, completed in September 2004, and not for the eyes of tourists traveling to Australia, Sydney Airport is a crime haven of gargantuan proportions. The figures speak for themselves.

Upon entering Australia (Sydney or elsewhere) you are taking the risk of your belongings getting stolen! Exiting the country you risk getting drugs planted in your luggage -- or bombs! All of this according to Australia's September report.

The so called Bali 9 Group, carrying more than 11 kilograms of heroin, destined for Australia was -- Thank God -- stopped by the Bali Police. Good work! All nine perpetrators are Australian citizens! Some of them claimed they were forced to become drug smugglers -- if not, the drug ring operators would harm their families (Bali Post).

Where are the tears for these nine, cynical drug peddlers? Will there be rallies held in Australia on their birthdays?

S. AKERLUND, Kuta, Bali