Sat, 10 Aug 1996

Boy kidnapped in Tangerang

TANGERANG (JP): Eight-year-old Reki Firmansyah was kidnapped Thursday as he was on his way to the mosque near his home in the Jatiuwung district.

His parents reported him missing on late Thursday night after he failed to return to their home in the Cibodas Sari subdistrict that evening.

Around 11:30 a.m. yesterday his father Leonardi, 35, and his wife Titi, 29, received a pager message saying that they were to meet Reki in Bandung.

It said "Reki is now waiting in Bandung. Reki will be taken to Palembang (South Sumatra). If you want Reki to be safe bring some money." No amount was mentioned.

The kidnapper asked to be contacted at phone number 022- 5225467 and to have the money sent to Jl. Cihampelas 24, a street in Bandung famed for its many garment stores.

The father, a retail supplier, said he has no contact with anyone in Bandung and that he has no problematic business relations.

As of 8 p.m. yesterday, no further messages had been received. (28/anr)