Border residents to get border pass
KUPANG, East Nusa Tenggara: The government is planning to introduce passes for residents of areas bordering East Timor in the second week of December.
The head of Atambua industry and trade service Supartantyo said over the weekend that the cards would be distributed on Nov. 18 at the provincial level.
"This will be followed by familiarization of the program in three districts and 10 subdistricts lying on the border," Supartantyo said.
The move follows the signing of a memorandum of understanding by Trade Minister Rini Soewandi on behalf of the Indonesian government and Foreign Minister Jose Ramos Horta for the East Timor government last June.
The passes will be issued free of charge by administrative officials at border areas for traditional events and family gatherings or trade at regulated markets.
Those eligible for the passes are adults or married people living in areas directly bordering each other.
The Indonesian districts covered by the regulation are Belu, North Central Timor, the subdistrict of North Amfoang in the district of Kupang, the subdistricts of East Alor, Pantar and Southwest Alor in the district of Alor.
The districts in East Timor included in the regulation are Bobonaro, Kovalima and Oecusse. --Antara