Tue, 30 Jul 2002

Bogor regent apologizes

CIBINONG: The Bogor regent formally apologized for his controversial statements before a plenary session of the Bogor Regency Council on Monday.

Council head Endang Kosasih said that, following the apology, the Council would not proceed with its plan to form a special committee that could have ended up dismissing him as regent.

Bogor Regent Agus Utara Effendi used the words "stupid" and "idiot" during his speech, broadcast live by state radio station RRI to Bogor Council recently. He also slammed the councillors for squandering state funds on what he regarded as unimportant activities, such as comparative studies, which he said was a waste of money.

"Now that he has apologized, we have ended the conflict between us. We accept his apology. But we hope he won't repeat the same mistake again," said Kosasih. --Antara