Fri, 05 Jul 1996

BNI holds seminar

JAKARTA (JP): A number of noted international financial experts will discuss the latest developments in the world's banking industry at a seminar to be held here on July 9.

They will include Ross H. Mcleod of the National University of Australia, managing director Mark Mobius of Templeton International, Christopher Russel of Jardin Fleming Holdings and Theodore Roosevelt IV of Lehman Brothers.

State Minister for Research and Technology B.J. Habibie and Deputy Chairman of the National Development Planning Board Rahadi Ramelan will also address the seminar, which will be officially opened by Bank Indonesia Governor J. Soedradjad Djiwandono.

The seminar, organized by the state-owned Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) 1946 as part of the events to celebrate its 50th anniversary, will be held at the Jakarta Convention Center.

Umar Kayam of the University of Gadjah Mada will be among the other speakers scheduled to take part in the discussion. (hen)