BI's net domestic assets valued at minus Rp 37.70t
JAKARTA (JP): Bank Indonesia's net domestic assets as of May 1 were valued at minus Rp 37.70 trillion, indicating a monetary expansion of Rp 862 billion against the level in the previous week.
The central bank said in a statement yesterday that the May 1 level, however, is still lower than the maximum level allowed by the IMF.
Net international reserves (NIR) totaled US$14.309 billion, or slightly lower than the previous week's level of US$14.313 billion.
This was due to the higher position of commercial banks' forex reserves, which is a substracting factor in the NIR calculation, BI said. (rei)
Table A: Foreign Reserves (in million dollars)
April 17 April 24 May 1
Gross foreign assets 17,004.3 17,755.9 17,702.4
- Liquid reserves * 10,764.3 11,466.0 11,435.3
- Other reserves ** 6,240.0 6,289.1 6,327.1
Gross foreign liabilities 2,940.0 2,940.9 2,940.9
Net forward positions -34.0 -34.0 -34.0
Reserve against
foreign currency deposits 458.3 468.4 478.0
Net international reserves 13,571.1 14,312.6 14,309.5
* Liquid gross foreign assets include gold, foreign securities, offshore deposits and special drawing rights.
** Other gross foreign assets include export drafts, deposits in the branches of domestic banks in offshores and deposits parked at foreign banks to guarantee letter of credits.
Table B: Monetary Indicators (in billion rupiah)
April 17 April 24 May 1
Reserve money 58,093 60,346 61,489
- Currency in circulation 44,286 44,115 44,820
- Deposits at central bank 12,310 15,325 15,749
Net international reserves
(Rupiah at constant rate) 94,998 100,188 100,165
(in million dollars) 13,571 14,312.6 14,309.5
Net domestic assets -32,883 -38,564 -37,702
- Net claims on government -28,626 -27,028 -27,624
- Net claims on IBRA 103,045 101,849 101,826
- Liquidity credits 26,517 26,964 26,992
(of which to Bulog) 15,248 15,591 15,598
- Open market operations -44,623 -45,197 -45,302
Source: Bank Indonesia