Tue, 07 Nov 1995

From: Jawawa

Biodiversity convention

The conference on Convention on Biological Diversity is being held from Nov. 6 to 17, 1995. One very important aspect of creating sustainable development is the establishment of a common perception in preserving the earth's resources, which the conference aims to do.

The conference was preceded by a two-day global bio diversity meeting attended by environmentally dedicated non-governmental organizations.

As stated in the convention's introduction, the threat to species and the ecosystem has never been so great. Every country should obey the agreed upon provisions in this internationally recognized convention, which came into force on Dec. 29, 1993. It proved that the commitment of every country to sign this convention is not only due to the condition that every country has a sovereign right over their own biological resources, but that they also have the responsibility of conserving their biological diversity and in using their biological resources in a sustainable manner.

In efforts to achieve a common perception on conservation and sustainable use of biological resources, the ongoing conference plans to adopt the recommendations of the preceding two-day meeting of NGOs.

I would like to congratulate the conference and hope it finds a good solution for environmental problems and further promotes the life of mankind.

