Mon, 16 Sep 1996

Bill must pay the bill

The bully strikes again. Who is the bully? The United States, through its armed forces. It hit Iraq again, as before. During the Gulf War, I imagined that: If Iraq quit Kuwait, it would be quite quiet. Peace has not been there. Where is it then? In the pocket of Messrs. George Bush and Bill Clinton. It is neither in the hand of Saddam Husein nor Tariq Aziz.

Why did and does again the U.S. hit Iraq? There is a French phrase if expressed in English goes like this: The heart has its reason but the reason has no heart. Bill Clinton hit for reason. But it is true that his reason has no heart, no mercy, at all. Look at the damages he caused.

And what is Iroquois? The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language says that it is "a region now called New York, the tribe native to that area, the American Indians so called by the invaders and settlers, as well as the language they speak". How mean of the history of the world. The Europeans, American revolutionists conquered and nearly wiped out the Iroquois people by genocide. Their descendants live in southern Canada. The Europeans never admit the action of genocide, they instead insist that the natives just died due to the diseases transferred by the invaders. Unbelievable!

Nowadays, to my astonishment as an Asian, the white men are against Saddam Husein and his people. During the previous assaults, the yellow men (Japanese) were asked to pay part of the bills of war, the other part by the Germans. How mean!

Iraq is about to sell its natural resources, crude oil, to buy food and medicines for the long suffering people due to the doings of the white people, the United States.

Now, again, Bill Clinton copies the bullying spirit of George Bush, to send troops from Iroquois to Iraq, to destroy and to unavoidably kill the Iraqis, irrespective of military or civil standing, babies or very old people, both army installations and churches or mosques.

I do not know whether Germany and Japan are willing to be the bearers of the cost of the recent assaults on Iraq. If not, who will? Well, Bill on behalf of his tax payers will have to pay the bill.


Bogor, West Java