Sat, 21 Sep 1996

Beware of false job offers

From Kompas

On July 20 I had a visitor who said he had been living in Australia for 21 years. The visitor offered easy ways and means to get work there, or to attend Australian schools. I discovered later that I had been cheated.

This person usually preys on victims through classified advertisements. He contacts advertisers and offers his assistance in getting work, or, admittance into Australian schools.

He easily convinces people by mentioning an impressive number of contacts, for example, the Rockhampton University (does it really exist?).

To convince his victims even more, he makes use of a facsimile. Perhaps there are more victims besides myself. Losses could amount to the hundreds of thousands, or even in millions of rupiah.

The impostor carries a Surabaya ID card and most of the time speaks English.

He often uses names of Arabian and Indian origin, like M. Najib, Haresh Kumar, Haris, or, Fahmi.

Folks, beware!

Name and address

known to the editor