Sun, 10 Jul 2005

Beware of bears in Zurich, and cows in Geneva!

If you are visiting Zurich this summer, you will be welcomed by human-sized teddy bears right from the airport. As you enter the city, you realize that teddy bears seem to be everywhere.

The whole city, from the airport to Bellevue and the shopping street of Bahnhofstrasse, from the old town to the suburbs, is just full of teddies, all celebrating Zurich's Teddy-Summer 2005.

Over 800 teddies of all sizes have been crafted imaginatively by artists and designers. They are mostly placed in public places, but many stores, including those along the famous Bahnhofstrasse, have also adorned their interiors with teddies as well.

These teddies have been on display since last May, and they will remain there until mid September, when summer ends.

Teddy lovers coming to Switzerland this summer should also consider attending the 10th International Teddy Bear Festival to be held in Zurich on the weekend of August 20 and 21. Here, you can enjoy a teddy bear sales exhibition as well as meet teddy artists, collectors and fans of artist's teddy bears, replicas, and antique teddies.

But, if you're into cows, then maybe you should visit Geneva instead. This summer, Geneva, which claims to be a "true international capital," is hosting CowParade.

About 100 life-sized, decorated cows have invaded Geneva. They can be found at various points around the city center.

When summer ends, these cows will be retired from the city center and be put out to graze at the Geneva Fair from the 10 to 20 November, where they will finally be auctioned off.