Fri, 26 Jul 1996

Betawi festival on Jl. Jaksa

JAKARTA (JP): The third annual Betawi festival, called Pesta Jalan Jaksa '96, or the Jl. Jaksa Fair, will run from July 31 to August 4 in the tourist center in Central Jakarta.

Native Jakarta arts and culture including dancing, music, and story-telling, will be among the 20 types of entertainment on display.

Traditional games, an exhibition and face-to-face meetings with popular artists are other features. A pantomime is also scheduled as are a number of other contemporary arts performances.

The festival will begin with a parade at 3 p.m.

"The aim of the festival is to extend the length of stay of tourists," T. Ismoejanto, the chairman of the organizing committee said.

He said tourists usually spend only up to three days in the capital but with the festival they could spend up to five days, he said.

Organizers include the municipality offices of tourism and culture. Among the event's supporters are the Betawi Cultural Institute and the Kosgoro organization. (yns/anr)