Be mature, not emotional
I am appalled to read the comments made by Mr. Wahyu Zulfikar Karmiadji about the East Timor independence (Goodbye, and good riddance!, Sept. 8, 1999). While I do share the anger and frustrations about the financial and moral burdens that Indonesia had to face with regard to this matter, I believe the comment he made illustrated just how "unloving" we, Indonesians, have been in the past 25 years.
As an "Indonesian-loving student" Mr. Wahyu is expected to demonstrate maturity and the ability to write critically, not emotionally! Perhaps, if he is willing to read around the subject (i.e. about East Timor's struggle for independence), he may discover why the East Timorese have resented us. As a loving person, he should raise some moral questions with respect to Indonesia's annexation of East Timor, instead of labeling the former province as a "parasite".
Should not we ("Indonesia's loving citizens") be the first to help our East Timorese brothers and sisters to build their nation? Otherwise, why should we brag about being a loving nation?