Tue, 04 Oct 1994

Bassra's rejection

The Association of Ulemas of Religious Schools in Madura Badan Silaturahmi Ulama Pesantren Madura (Bassra) finally issued a statement rejecting a request from the Minister of Research and Technology/Chairman of the Board for Study and Application of Technology (BPPT), B.J. Habibie, to put their signatures on a declaration accepting industrialization on Madura.

The Bassra decision came in the wake of a decision of Habibie ... which in essence states that construction of a bridge linking Surabaya with Madura would begin in April next year, followed by the industrialization of the area.

Why did Habibie find it necessary to ask the Bassra ulemas (Moslem religious leaders) to issue a statement? Perhaps only Habibie knows the precise answer. In light of past events, it might be that Habibie assumes that the Madurans, the ulemas in particular, reject the idea of the construction of such a bridge between Surabaya and Madura as well as the industrialization plans. However, as might be deducted from various statements that have been made by Bassra, neither the people of Madura nor its ulemas object to industrialization. What they want is that any such industrialization plans be executed not for the mere sake of industrialization by itself, but that it serve the benefit of the people of the area.

We do not know what the eventual solution of the problem will be. However, we would like to remind everybody that the proposed bridge and the industrialization plans could affect the fate of many people.

-- Surya, Surabaya