Sat, 27 Jul 1996

Basori's paintings wilder than his master's

By Amir Sidharta

YOGYAKARTA (JP): Compositions of fluid lines and dynamic colors dominate an exhibition of paintings by Moch. Basori which opened last Monday at the Purna Budaya, Yogyakarta.

The numerous paintings presented by the dynamic young artist indicate his hard work, creativity and dedication to the world of art.

Many of the paintings shown are strong pieces. In Beban (Burden), for example, Basori presents the outlines of five figures in the lower half of the painting using cursive linear forms. Set against a red background, the figures are subtly brought to the foreground. Above the figures the artist places five blocks, which seem to represent protest banners or symbolize the burden that each of the figures carries mentally.

Kembar 7 is a seven-part abstract composition of seven black amorphic forms defined by fluid white lines enhanced by the use of red, blue and white blocks of color. As the title suggests, the central figures seem to represent human figures. However, the forms which give shape to the figures are so loose and free that the entire set of paintings becomes an expressive composition that is visually appealing.

It is evident that this painter has no problem in depicting the forms he wants to portray and arranging them in an esthetically pleasing composition. His weakness is the inability to effectively use signs and symbols in his works.

In Rajah he presents a figure of a human being, with approximately the same bodily proportions as himself, making the image a kind of self portrait. The skeletal content of the figure appears in silhouette, and a key seems to hang from the figure's neck. The rest of the painting is filled with checkers consisting of spiraling circular lines and T-shirts embellished with numerous images including the sun, fish, a sail boat, a mask, houses, a car, and so forth.

The symbols that Basori uses seem to be rather simplistic that it diminishes the strength of his works.

The fluidity of painter Subroto SM's expressive lines are clearly evident in the works exhibited in this show. Indeed, the influence of the young painter's master is still strong.

"True, but Basori's paintings are much wilder!" exclaimed Dr. Oei Hong Djien, a prominent figure in Yogyakarta's art scene.

Indeed, Basori has managed to develop an artistic style of expression very different from Subroto. We certainly hope that Basori's art will continue to be even more energetic than the already dynamic works of his master.