Mon, 26 Jul 1999

Barak's good will

I was impressed and amazed by Mr. Ehud Barak's actions, as reported by Suara Pembaruan on July 12, whereby the new Israeli prime minister presented the holy Koran to Palestine President Yasser Arafat as a gift. This historic event took place on July 11 at Erez Crossing in the Gaza Strip, prior to their meeting in which both leaders agree to end the conflict of the two nations.

Hopefully, this nice precedent may lead to everlasting peace in that region as it is the first time that a leader of Israel had indicated very good will not only on the territorial solution but also on the matter of religious harmony.

Watching the event very consciously, I strongly believe that the two neighboring nations would never again involve in another conflict or war, which bring nothing but misery to both of them.

