Thu, 16 Jun 2005

Bali to host Asian Film Conference

The Asian Film Commissions Network (AFCNet) aims to make Asia the center of film production for the future, gaining greater exposure for the region in the world film market.

Founded in 2004 by film commissioners from Japan, Malaysia, Korea, China, Russia, Vietnam and Indonesia (the Bali Film Commission), AFCNet is a regionally based, full-service, trade organization of industry professionals dedicated to promoting the region through film.

The AFCNet Conference, to be held from June 16 through June 18, is the second time this influential group of film commissioners will meet to discuss common issues in persuading world filmmakers to locate more projects in the region.

AFCNet Board Members participating include Park Kwang-Su (Busan Film Commission), Tanaka Mako (Kobe Film Office), Kamil Othman (Malaysia Multimedia Development Corporation), Alexander Doluda (Vladivostok Film Commission), Han Zhi Jun (Changchun Film Studio), Deborah Gabinetti (Bali Film Commission) and Maezawa Tetsuji (Japan Film Commission Promotion Council).

AFCNet provides members with ongoing and up-to-date broadcast news and industry research on policy issues, technology and management trends, giving the region competitive tools for a growing range of locations and services.

The next AFCNet committee meeting will be held during the Busan International Film Commission Showcase (BIFCOM) at Busan, South Korea, in October 2005.

For more information, contact: Deborah Gabinetti (Bali Film Commission) tel (0361) 282019/7444246, fax. (0361) 286425, or -- JP