Mon, 02 May 1994

Bad road on Kangean island

From Kompas

As residents of Kangean island, Madura, East Java, we have not felt the equal distribution of the results of development. The only main road stretching from Batu Gumuk in the west to Kayuaru harbor in the east, a distance of 54 kilometers, has been in bad condition for almost seven years. And there is no sign that repair is going to be done. The road is essential for the island's economy.

When the East Java governor visited the region, the road was repaired, but this did not last long.

The only means of transportation in this area is truck. During the rainy season the road becomes so muddy the passing trucks often slip into deep holes and the passengers must help to push the vehicles out.

We want the road repaired.


Sumenep, Madura, E. Java