Tue, 30 Jul 1996

Averting a harmful impact

The incidents that occurred in Jakarta over the weekend have affected one of the pillars of our development efforts, namely political stability. A thorough study is needed to limit their negative effect on the national economy.

The international perception of our development efforts is still limited and the information others receive is often lopsided. Foreign electronic and print media have exported news of the incidents, so it is understandable if they question the current investment climate here.

It is too early to predict what impact the incidents will have on the economy, the capital and money markets in particular. We hope that everybody will look on the events with a clear head and avoid speculative actions. We have to continue to learn constantly and prevent ourselves from getting trapped by the actions of people who are out for financial gain.

Our development efforts have been moving rapidly forward. It is the duty of us all to maintain that momentum.

-- Bisnis Indonesia, Jakarta