Mon, 08 Jul 1996

Autopsy proves girl died of drug overdose

JAKARTA (JP): A forensic expert at the Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital confirmed on Saturday that the 26-year-old girl found dead at the Atlanta discotheque in West Jakarta on Friday had overdosed.

"It seems that her death was caused by an overdose of ecstasy pills," doctor Mun'im Idries, from the state-owned hospital, told The Jakarta Post.

But a more in-depth examination is needed to find the chemical substance which killed her, he said.

He said the post mortem of Soraya Faradiba, who was found dead with her mouth foaming, was done at the hospital on Friday night.

"The conclusion is that she died purely because of an overdose of drugs," he said.

According to police, Soraya's death was reported over eight hours after the girl fell unconsciously from her seat at the discotheque.

Head of the Tamansari police detectives, First Lieutenant Kumbul KS, said the report of her death came from medical staff of the nearby Husada hospital.

"It was not from the discotheque's operators," Kumbul said.

It is unknown if the police will summon the disco's operators for questioning.

So far only one man has been interrogated. The man, whose name has been withheld, is a resident of Bekasi and is believed to be Soraya's partner.

During police questioning, the man said he had no idea what had caused her to fall from her seat.

"I was heavily drunk at the time and I thought she was also drunk," he said.

According to available records, at least four people in Jakarta have died because of Ecstasy in recent months. The deceased, including a police sergeant, were all found dead at discos with their mouths foaming.

The 27-year-old, chief sergeant Indra Jauhari was found dead at the Zodiac discotheque also in West Jakarta.

His post mortem revealed that he died after consuming at least six ecstasy pills.

Officer Kumbul said the ecstasy pills consumed by most of the victims were locally made and had been mixed with other powders by dealers looking to increase their margins.

Because the "modified" pills reacted slowly, the victims took more pills to get an immediate high which caused their deaths. (bsr)