Thu, 26 Jun 1997

Australian racism

I would like to comment on Paul Franks' rambling letter (June 19) on Pauline Hanson and Australian racism. Essentially, Franks declares Pauline Hanson as an aberration which is not indicative of the Australian mindset. He also thanks God for his British passport; a puzzling admission since Pauline Hanson is herself a member of the British race now living in Australia.

Unfortunately for Australia's ethnic community, Pauline Hanson is not an aberration as Franks would have us believe, rather she is representative of many white Australians who hate and abuse anyone who is not Anglo-Saxon in appearance and manner.

Recently, some Indonesian friends studying in Australia told me they had been spat on and insulted because of their nationality. They are now thinking of transferring to a less hostile country.

Indonesians traveling to Australia should consider the possibility of racist attack for their own safety and comfort.

