Australian Embassy back to normal
The Jakarta Post
The Australian Embassy, the target of a car bomb attack last week, announced on Friday that is has resumed emergency consular services for Australians and for visa requests.
Although the embassy remains closed to the public, it has made arrangements for limited consular operation, including for passport services. Those seeking such services should call (62- 21) 2550-5500.
The embassy is only handling emergency visa requests, while non-immigration operations remain suspended until further notice. Those seeking emergency services should phone (62-21) 2550-5632 or fax (62-21) 2550-5695.
The heavily fortified embassy building was slightly damaged by a car bomb that exploded just outside. A total of nine people, all Indonesians, including several employees of the embassy, died in the attack, and scores of people remain hospitalized with severe injuries. Several high-rise office buildings near the embassy were heavily damaged.
Embassy staff have returned to work.
The embassy has advised all Australians to monitor the security situation carefully and visit the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's website for travel advice on Indonesia at
The Embassy urges all Australians in Indonesia to register with the embassy and to advise of any changes in their circumstances.
Further information about available limited consular services and about registration can be found at the embassy's website