Tue, 28 Jun 1994

Astra donates to victims

JAKARTA (JP): The Astra Group donated yesterday Rp 500 million (US$231,000) in cash to the victims of tidal waves which hit East Java, notably the Banyuwangi coastal areas, early this month.

The donation, collected from PT Toyota Astra Motor, PT Astra Daihatsu Motor, PT United Tractors,, PT Federal Motor and the Astra Financial Services and Infrastructures, was presented by Mrs. A.R. Ramly, the wife of the Astra Group's Chairman, to East Java's Governor Moh. Basofi in Surabaya.

Astra's Public Relations Manager Aminuddin said yesterday the donation was collected at the initiative of the Astrea Women's Society which groups the wives of the top executives and all employees of the Astra Group and its subsidiaries. (vin)