Thu, 12 Apr 2001

ASEAN's policy on Myanmar

John Sweeney of the London Observer maintains his reputation as one of the finest print journalists of his generation in the excellent article printed by The Jakarta Post under the title Myanmar claims war on drugs but protects barons.

This excellent investigative piece once more raises critical questions about ASEAN's policy of so-called constructive engagement with the Myanmar junta. If, as Sweeney proves, Singapore is being used as a laundering base for the major Myanmar drug baron Lo, then ASEAN's policy is not only hollow, but a palpable front for the most serious criminality.

And, if, as Sweeney alleges, identifiable figures in the Myanmar military have supervised the torture of Myanmar drugs trade whistle-blowers, this policy also aids and abets the grossest human rights abuses.

When is ASEAN going to wake up to these facts?

